$67.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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Complete your training with Rhythmic Freedom - a program that will equip you with the tools to FIND YOUR OWN SOUND and BECOME YOUR NEW FAVORITE DRUMMER. You'll learn:

  • how to be expressive and dynamic with a level of control you never reached before.
  • how to find rhythmic inspiration with my own system for creating and developing rhythmic cells and patterns!
  • how to get a professional level sound out of every drum and cymbal ... sound the way you ALWAYS WANTED with total control.
  • learn The Groove Consistency Formula so you can get your beats sounding like the pros.

This is a one-time offer that I don't share anywhere else.

Add Rhythmic Freedom to your purchase for only $60 (normally $97)!


The Technique Blueprint

Here's everything you get:

  • 🧠 The Blueprint Program - the path to great technique featuring my personalized teaching methods and strategies.
  • 📓 Fundamental Mastery Module - Master the basics that pave the way for more advanced and expressive drumming.
  • 📈 Single Stroke Accelerator - Make your single stroke rolls faster and stronger with this step by step practice method.
  • 🎚 Perfect every nuance in your performances with the Dynamic Leveling System.
  • 🚀 Propel your wrist technique to new heights with the Wrist Stroke Speed Builders.
  • ✅ Never second guess your stick grip again by using the Stick Grip Checklist, setting you up for flawless, fatigue-free drumming.
  • 💡 Embrace your own personality and imagination using the Fill Freedom Framework, making every drum fill unique and exciting.
  • ☝️ Strengthen your grip and enhance your control using my Fulcrum and Finger Strengtheners
  • 🦾 Limb Control Workbook - equip yourself with exercises to synchronize and balance your limb movements, making complex patterns feel easy.
  • 📚 Open-Close Course - play with more speed, more precision, and less effort using this versatile technique.
  • 📖 Moeller Technique Course - master Moeller technique to play with fluidity, speed and effortless power.


The Smarter Drumming Guarantee

I'm so passionate about helping you realize your drumming goals and dreams that I want to make it as easy as possible for you to feel confident jumping into this program.

Take 30 days to go through the first two modules of The Technique Blueprint.

If after completing the first two modules and doing the included exercises, you still don't feel like you have the knowledge, clarity, or guidance to transform your drumming ...

Simply email my team at [email protected] for an immediate refund.

Why would I do this?

  1. Everything is laid out for you to make progress fast.
  2. The methods have worked SO WELL for myself and my students that I know you'll feel confident enough to benefit from the full program.
  3. These teachings have already helped my students around the globe to build phenomenal technique – from the beginners who see massive growth from The Technique Blueprint to the professional, world-touring drummers who come to me for guidance.